• 21 MEALS
CAD $ 4,298 *

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Reviews for Mysterious Egypt

 4.6 out of 5
Based on 99 customer reviews

May 22, 2024


April 30, 2024


April 18, 2024


March 26, 2024

Thank you for the experience of a lifetime!!


March 12, 2024


February 13, 2024


December 26, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023

Notre guide Wadea égyptologue était exceptionnel. Il a répondu à nos nombreuses questions avec un grand enthousiasme. Je le recommande à tous. Nous sommes forts heureux d'avoir fait ce voyage.


November 28, 2023


November 28, 2023


November 28, 2023

Notre guide Mohammed A été exceptionnel! Toujours souriant, explications nombreuses et précises avec une touche d'humour qui a rajouté une ambiance particulièrement agréable a notre séjour!


November 23, 2023


November 20, 2023

Our guide was excellent, had lots of knowledge He made our trip very memorable


November 16, 2023

We definitely got our monies worth…jam packed itinerary! We will definitely book again with you!


November 7, 2023


October 29, 2023

Overall, the experience was a 5-star rating. The food we felt should have been a bit more local oriented. Meaning what the Egyptians eat day to day or from a street vendor. The coffee was far from what we expected for Egypt. Maybe we thought it would be more like Turkish coffee. Air France offered great service and food. We felt the layovers were long but not sure how that could be changed. Our tour guide in Egypt, Mahmoud M. Ahmed was fantastic and had a wealth of knowledge. Perhaps a bit too much. LOL! He took care of us and felt like we were part of his family. Kindly let me know I much we appreciated the trip with him. (Mark & Sandy Britt) Thank you.... Read More


October 24, 2023


October 19, 2023


September 28, 2023


September 26, 2023


September 19, 2023

Tres contenté avec toys. Merci


May 31, 2023


May 23, 2023

Merci, pour nous c’était Important d’avoir un guide qui parlait français. Et nous avons eu le guide Mostafa qui nous a parlé en français pendant notre séjour, il est un très bon guide, nous l’avons bien aimé. Et la première journée nous avons eu Romy qui lui aussi a été très bien. Nous avons eu un très beau séjour en Égypte. ... Read More


May 18, 2023


May 18, 2023


May 17, 2023

During our trip, we especially appreciated our guide, Moustafa ElSayed for his vast and detailed knowledge of Egyptian history and his patience and amiability in answering everyone's questions. Also, we would like to point that our reception at Cairo airport by the Wingbuddy representative was efficient and friendly. All the service staff on the cruise, train and at the hotels was very friendly.... Read More


May 16, 2023


May 12, 2023

Un voyage incroyable et très impressionné du déroulement du forfait. Pour commencer, j'ai énormément voyagé dans ma vie et toujours par moi-même. C'était la première fois que je faisais un voyage organisé et j'ai été agréablement surpris. Pour ceux qui ne sont pas habitué de voyager, ce forfait est parfait. Prise en charge à l'aéroport dès l'arrivé au Caire par un représentant de Wingbuddy, aux hôtel, pour le train, le bateau, bref, lorsqu'on vous dit qu'il va y avoir quelqu'un qui va vous attendre, il va y avoir quelqu'un. Nous avions demandé moi, ma conjointe et un couple d'ami, un guide français et nous en avons eu un à pour nous 4 tout le long du voyage. Il y avait un groupe anglophone d'environ 14 personnes. Ce que j'ai compris, il se peut que votre guide qui vous accueil au Caire soit le même tout le long du voyage. Dans notre cas, nous avons eu un guide au Caire et un autre à notre arrivé à Assouan à la sortie du train pour le reste du voyage. En parlant du train, rien de grandiose, mais ça fait partie du voyage et de l'expérience. Demander au guide avant de prendre le train de vous trouver de la bière pour apporter avec vous cela rend l'expérience un peu plus agréable. La croisière, juste wow. Bien installé, piscine sur le pont, un bar, nourriture (rien de grandiose), mais très bonne et les cabines avec vue sur le nil, très bien. Les sites archéologiques, à couper le souffle. L'Égypte est un pays avec le plus d'histoire au monde. Il y a des extras pour les visites et je le conseils. Abu Simbel est à environ 3h30 de route pour y aller et ça en vaut vraiment le détour. La ride de bus nous permet de dormir et reprendre des forces. Normalement, le départ est à 04h00 du matin pour se rendre au site et tout le monde part à cette heure, donc, énormément de monde sur le site (témoignage de deux français à qui j'ai croisé dans le voyage). Nous, notre guide Moustafa qui est un excellent guide francophone à qui recommande à tous, si vous pouvez choisir, à changé l'horaire et on est parti à 07h00 le matin et à notre arrivé à Abu Simbel, presque personne, c'était fantastique pour visiter et surtout pour prendre des photos sans avoir des centaines de personne dans le champs de vison. Malheureusement, pour les autres sites à visiter, il y a toujours du monde, mais en général ça va bien. Les guides vont vous proposer d'autres activités, à vous de décider, mais je recommande (exemple, tour de dromadaire pour visiter les pyramide à partir du désert - 15$ US, visite d'un village Nubien - le prix vari etc.). Dans la vallée des rois, il est possible de payer pour des extras aussi. Le forfait ne comprend pas de visite de la vallée des reines (à voir, le tombeau de la reine Nefertari, le plus beau tombeau découvert, mais il y a un extra à payer), mais si vous voulez y aller, c'est possible de l'intégrer dans l'horaire. Parler à votre guide de toutes les options que vous aimeriez faire, il va vous organisé ça. Il y a aussi un tour en montgolfière au pris de 125$ US très tôt le matin avant la visite de la vallée des rois et je le recommande beaucoup. Les pourboires, selon les infos de Wingbuddy, on le donne à notre arrivé. Si vous avez le même guide du début à la fin, oui, mais si comme nous qui avons eu un guide pour le Caire et un autre pour le reste du voyage, vous donner l'argent au deuxième guide. Cet argent n'est pas pour les guides c'est les pourboires des chauffeurs, employés du bateau etc.. Bref, prévoyez des pourboires et ne soyez pas cheap, pour le ou les guides qui se donne corps et âmes pour nous rendre le voyage agréable. Ceux qui désire rester une couple de jour de plus, car le 10 jours est très occupé, c'est possible de le faire, parler avec l'agence avant de booker. Sécurité, très sécuritaire et je sais de quoi je parle, car j'ai été dans des pays pas mal plus à risque que l'Égypte. Alcool, c'est un pays musulman, donc pas beaucoup de point de vente, mais possible d'en trouver. Demander à votre guide. Aux hôtels et bateau, pas de problème , mais limité dans les choix. Le vin, eurk, apportez vous une couple de bonne bouteille si vous appréciez le bon vin. L'argent, le US ou Euros sont acceptés partout. Pour la conversion, on divise environ par 30. Exemple: 300 livre égyptienne = 10 US ou Euros. Bravo à Wingbuddy pour ce forfait qui est très bien organisé et surtout aux représentants en Égypte qui sont tous dévoués pour nous assister dans notre voyage. Bon voyage. ... Read More


May 12, 2023

Faze met us in the airport on night one. He quickly helped us with obtaining our visa and escorted us to our hotel in record time! Thank you!! Fady was incredibly reliable in helping us navigate the airport in Cairo. His professionalism, organization and charisma was top notch. Said was an incredible guide. From Cairo-Aswan-Luxor! He was very knowledgeable and passionate about Egyptian history and made our group feel like one big family. Said and Fady helped me organize the extra days that I added on to my trip. It was wonderful to never feel like I was completely alone in planning/booking my extra days. Getting their insights and advice was very helpful! I had a wonderful time in Egypt thanks to my guide Said and Fady.... Read More


May 9, 2023


May 9, 2023


May 2, 2023


April 22, 2023

Elia was our well informed guide and was excellent. He was very attentive, patient with and helpful to tour members who had physical challenges. He allowed for input from tour members and was invaluable in providing guidance to local customs and expectations. He gave advice on purchases ranging from just local inexpensive artifacts to authentic ones from very reputable places. Our group was referred to as "Family". Fahad was also very helpful in meeting our group, guiding us through entry processes and getting us settled into our accommodations. Each member of the Wingbuddy team who interacted with us was friendly, helpful and respectful. If I could recommend a promotion and or raise for these valued employees, I highly suggest that it be considered, especially so for Elia. Cynthia Smith and Carlos Nieves... Read More


April 18, 2023

Our travel guide Elias Boctor was amazing. He was so caring and patient. He really catered to all of our needs.


April 18, 2023

Our guide was amazing I am an experienced traveler and have never met someone so patient, caring and knowledgeable Elijah made our trip exceptional I wish I could have him for every excursion we book with wingbuddy I told everyone of my trip and they are looking forward to visiting Egypt and meeting Elijah or Elia in arabic... Read More


April 18, 2023


April 7, 2023

The trip to Egypt was fabulous! More than expected. Would definitely book a trip again with Wing buddy as well recommend to anyone looking to travel abroad. Five Star!


April 6, 2023

The trip was great, the temples, piramids and ancient sites was wonderful too see, the boat trip was amazing, our group was small (15 people,) witch was great, we all became like a cosy family,… siad, out guide was very helpful and very friendly, he went over and above to meet the needs of the group,… going to the pharmacy for some of us, making sure we had what we needed,…. At one point when we were in Aswan, on the boat, my wife and I wanted to go to the market place at night but nobody else in the group wanted to go,.. but siad, called a cab and took us anyway, he went around the market place and we had a great experience, I was surprised and flattered that he would go out of his way for only 2 of us,…. We enjoyed the experience so much we have already recommended wing buddy to a bunch of our friends and are planning out next trip ... Read More


April 1, 2023


March 2, 2023


March 1, 2023


February 28, 2023


February 4, 2023


February 2, 2023


February 1, 2023

Je veux mentionner l'excellent travail de notre guide. Courtois, patient, s'assure que tout le monde à compris, répond bien à nos questions, professionnel en tout temps. Notre guide va nous manquer :) Emile Naim ... Read More


January 31, 2023


January 31, 2023


January 24, 2023


January 24, 2023


December 13, 2022


November 30, 2022

Everything was excellent, I am very satisfied with the experience.


November 28, 2022


November 22, 2022


November 15, 2022

Just returned from the Mysterious Egypt trip and it is the trip of a lifetime. Special credits goes to our guide,Elia Ayad Boctor, who lost no one and ensured everyone got up in time and we all got where we needed to be smoothly and safely. This trip seals my confidence in Wingbuddy.... Read More


November 1, 2022


November 1, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 22, 2022

Mohammad was our tour guide and I give him a rating of 10/10! He was super knowledgeable, passionate about his job and very attentive to our needs. If I do this tour again, I would make sure he was our guide again. ... Read More


October 22, 2022


October 6, 2022


September 28, 2022


September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022

Voyage exceptionnel, destination de rêve. L'Égypte est grandiose. Nous avons adoré la croisière, vue magnifique. Notre guide Marco est fantastique, un humain si généreux! On s'ennuie déjà de Marco! Bye habibi!! ... Read More


September 27, 2022


July 16, 2022


May 27, 2022


May 26, 2022


May 24, 2022


May 18, 2022


May 18, 2022


May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022

Guide extraordinaire Mohamed E.


May 17, 2022


May 9, 2022


May 4, 2022


May 3, 2022


April 13, 2022


April 7, 2022


October 21, 2021


December 5, 2019

This trip was truly awesome...particularly at the price point! What made the experience work well were the outstanding guides in Cairo and Luxor as well as the facilitator for the arrival and departing at the airports supplied by Wingbuddy’s agents on sight in Egypt.... Read More


December 3, 2019


November 6, 2019


November 1, 2019

all the guides were fantastic, knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful when questions came up. The pyramids, temples were great. The Hot Air Balloon was fantastic.


October 22, 2019


October 22, 2019

Ma femme est tombée a l’aeroport Du Caire à la fin du voyage et s’est brisée le genoux. L’aide fourni par vos représentants au Caire a été exceptionnel et nous les remercions chaleureusement.... Read More


October 15, 2019


October 9, 2019


October 8, 2019

Our guide Islam was fantastic !!


October 8, 2019


June 27, 2019


June 27, 2019

The guide who took care of our group from Aswan to Luxor was the best we've ever had.


June 27, 2019

J'ai adoré ce voyage! Nous étions 5 dans le groupe. Très agréable. Je recommanderais ce voyage, surtout pour l'égypte. Une seule chose: Les pyramides et le musé. On gagnerait à faire les deux mais en 2 jrs. En une seule journée c trop court et dense. Je crois qu'il faudrait rajouter une journée au voyage et ce serait parfait. En 11 jrs plutôt que 10. Sinon, guide, chambre et visite: très agréable! Merci pour tout. Jakou.... Read More

We have fewer than 10 seats left for several departure dates. Book now to secure your spot!

Take a journey through time along the legendary Nile River on this wonderful hassle-free 10-day organized package to Egypt including international flights, all transfers, two internal flights, accommodation in 5* hotels and river cruise, 21 meals included, and fascinating visits with an expert English-speaking guide who will reveal the deepest secrets of the pharaohs.

Dates & Prices Itinerary Accommodation Accommodation Inclusions/Exclusions Inclusions Addons Map FAQ
November 2024
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Nov 07 Sat Nov 16 On Request
Thu Nov 07
Sat Nov 16
On Request

Thu Nov 14 Sat Nov 23 On Request
Thu Nov 14
Sat Nov 23
On Request

Thu Nov 21 Sat Nov 30 On Request
Thu Nov 21
Sat Nov 30
On Request

Thu Nov 28 Sat Dec 07 $4,698/person
Thu Nov 28
Sat Dec 07

December 2024
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Dec 05 Sat Dec 14 $4,698/person
Thu Dec 05
Sat Dec 14

Thu Dec 12 Sat Dec 21 $4,598/person
Thu Dec 12
Sat Dec 21

Thu Dec 19 Sat Dec 28 $6,498/person
Thu Dec 19
Sat Dec 28

Thu Dec 26 Sat Jan 04 $7,698/person
Thu Dec 26
Sat Jan 04

January 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Jan 09 Sat Jan 18 $4,798/person
Thu Jan 09
Sat Jan 18

Thu Jan 16 Sat Jan 25 $4,698/person
Thu Jan 16
Sat Jan 25

Thu Jan 23 Sat Feb 01 $4,798/person
Thu Jan 23
Sat Feb 01

Thu Jan 30 Sat Feb 08 $4,798/person
Thu Jan 30
Sat Feb 08

February 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Feb 06 Sat Feb 15 $4,698/person
Thu Feb 06
Sat Feb 15

Thu Feb 13 Sat Feb 22 $4,798/person
Thu Feb 13
Sat Feb 22

Thu Feb 20 Sat Mar 01 $4,798/person
Thu Feb 20
Sat Mar 01

Thu Feb 27 Sat Mar 08 $4,698/person
Thu Feb 27
Sat Mar 08

March 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Mar 06 Sat Mar 15 $4,698/person
Thu Mar 06
Sat Mar 15

Thu Mar 13 Sat Mar 22 $4,698/person
Thu Mar 13
Sat Mar 22

Thu Mar 20 Sat Mar 29 $4,898/person
Thu Mar 20
Sat Mar 29

Thu Mar 27 Sat Apr 05 $4,998/person
Thu Mar 27
Sat Apr 05

April 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Apr 03 Sat Apr 12 $4,898/person
Thu Apr 03
Sat Apr 12

Thu Apr 10 Sat Apr 19 $5,598/person
Thu Apr 10
Sat Apr 19

Thu Apr 17 Sat Apr 26 $5,598/person
Thu Apr 17
Sat Apr 26

Thu Apr 24 Sat May 03 $4,898/person
Thu Apr 24
Sat May 03

May 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu May 01 Sat May 10 $4,998/person
Thu May 01
Sat May 10

Thu May 08 Sat May 17 $4,898/person
Thu May 08
Sat May 17

Thu May 15 Sat May 24 $4,998/person
Thu May 15
Sat May 24

Thu May 22 Sat May 31 $5,198/person
Thu May 22
Sat May 31

Thu May 29 Sat Jun 07 $4,898/person
Thu May 29
Sat Jun 07

June 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Jun 05 Sat Jun 14 $4,998/person
Thu Jun 05
Sat Jun 14

Thu Jun 12 Sat Jun 21 $4,998/person
Thu Jun 12
Sat Jun 21

Thu Jun 19 Sat Jun 28 $5,298/person
Thu Jun 19
Sat Jun 28

Thu Jun 26 Sat Jul 05 $5,298/person
Thu Jun 26
Sat Jul 05

September 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Sep 11 Sat Sep 20 $4,898/person
Thu Sep 11
Sat Sep 20

Thu Sep 18 Sat Sep 27 $5,198/person
Thu Sep 18
Sat Sep 27

Thu Sep 25 Sat Oct 04 $5,198/person
Thu Sep 25
Sat Oct 04

October 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Oct 02 Sat Oct 11 $5,198/person
Thu Oct 02
Sat Oct 11

Thu Oct 09 Sat Oct 18 $5,198/person
Thu Oct 09
Sat Oct 18

Thu Oct 16 Sat Oct 25 $4,998/person
Thu Oct 16
Sat Oct 25

Thu Oct 23 Sat Nov 01 $5,198/person
Thu Oct 23
Sat Nov 01

Thu Oct 30 Sat Nov 08 $5,198/person
Thu Oct 30
Sat Nov 08

November 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Nov 06 Sat Nov 15 $5,198/person
Thu Nov 06
Sat Nov 15

Thu Nov 13 Sat Nov 22 $5,198/person
Thu Nov 13
Sat Nov 22

Thu Nov 20 Sat Nov 29 $4,998/person
Thu Nov 20
Sat Nov 29

Thu Nov 27 Sat Dec 06 $5,198/person
Thu Nov 27
Sat Dec 06

December 2025
Departure Date Return Date Starting rate    
Thu Dec 04 Sat Dec 13 $5,198/person
Thu Dec 04
Sat Dec 13

Thu Dec 11 Sat Dec 20 $5,198/person
Thu Dec 11
Sat Dec 20

*The advertised starting rate is available from Montreal on Nov 2024
**All prices are subject to change without notice
***Save $100 per person on all travel experiences + $100 in bonus CT money per booking. Offer valid until February 29, 2024.
****Cardholders must use their Triangle® credit card for bookings.


  • Day 1: Canada - Cairo (Egypt)Flight with a good itinerary.   
  • Day 2: CairoArrival at the airport in Cairo. You will be greeted by our local representatives after exiting the customs and transferred to your hotel in Cairo. The rest of the day is free for you to relax and enjoy the facilities of your hotel or to opt for an optional city tour ($) of Cairo. Dinner and overnight in Cairo. (Dinner)
  • Day 3: Cairo

    After breakfast at the hotel, you will discover the world-famous pyramids of Giza. On the Giza Plateau just outside of Cairo, you will be impressed by the Pyramid of Cheops, the largest of the three pyramids, the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Enjoy some free time to wander around this amazing site, take pictures, and visit the interior chambers ($) of the Great Pyramid of Giza. You will then discover the Sphinx of Giza, with the head of a pharaoh and the body of a lion, who is watching over the pyramids. 

    You will have a brief stop to discover how the papyrus is made before heading for lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, you will visit the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, home to the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts. Return at the end of the day. Dinner and overnight in Cairo. (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)

  • Day 4: Cairo - Aswan (Beginning of the Nile cruise)

    Early transfer to the airport in Cairo for your flight to Aswan (Breakfast box offered by the hotel).

    Arrival in Aswan and transfer to the port to embark on your Nile cruise. Following lunch on board, you will visit the Aswan High Dam which provides electricity to the whole country. Your visit continues with a small boat ride to reach the beautiful Philae Temple, located on a small island, and dedicated to the goddess Isis.

    You will then take the road to see the unfinished Obelisk, the largest known ancient obelisk. You will return to the ship and relax on the ship ‘sundeck. Dinner and overnight on board. (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)

  • Day 5: Aswan - Kom Ombo - Edfu

    Breakfast on board. In the morning, enjoy the facilities of the ship or opt for an amazing optional excursion ($) to Abu Simbel, considered to be one of the most impressive sites in Egypt. Lunch on board. In the afternoon you will sail toward Kom Ombo where you will visit the Temple of Sobek. Then, you will navigate onward to Edfu. Dinner and overnight on board. (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)

    Optional excursion ($) to Abu Simbel:

    Around 3:30 AM, you will be transferred by bus to Abu Simbel, located 280 km away (Breakfast bags given). Upon arrival, you will visit two magnificent temples, surrounded by a lake, built by the pharaoh Ramses II. The 100-foot-high Great Temple is one of the most breathtaking temples of Egypt with the 4 statues of Ramses II. You will have approx. two hours to wander these historic and sacred sites before making your way back to the ship for lunch.

  • Day 6:   Edfu - Esna - Luxor

    After breakfast on board, you will visit the temple dedicated to Horus which is one of the best-preserved ancient temples in Egypt. It was built between 237 and 57 BC. Following lunch on board, you will navigate along the Nile toward Esna and Luxor through beautiful desert landscapes. Dinner and overnight on board. (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)

  • Day 7: Luxor

    Breakfast on board. Today, you will visit amazing archeological sites located on the west bank of the Nile. You will be awestruck by the Temple of Hatshepsut, dubbed the "Sublime of the Sublimes", built on three levels beneath the cliff at Deir El-Bahri. In the Valley of the Kings, you will visit the Temple of Ramses III the last great monarch of ancient Egypt who was able to save his country from collapsing at a time when other empires fell to invaders. On your way back to the ship, you will see the Colossi of Memnon which are two massive stone statues of the Pharaoh Amenhotep. Dinner and overnight on board. (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)

  • Day 8: Luxor (End of the Nile cruise)

    After breakfast on board, you will disembark from the ship and start your visit of the most spectacular temples located on the east bank of the Nile and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site: Luxor and Karnak. You will notice that the entrance at Luxor Temple is as impressive as the reign of its architect Ramses II. Karnak, whose construction lasted for almost 2000 years, is the largest and oldest religious complex in the world. After the visits, you will be transferred to your hotel in Luxor. Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Luxor. (Breakfast-Dinner)

  • Day 9: Luxor - CairoBreakfast at the hotel and transfer to the airport in Luxor for your flight to Cairo.  
    Upon arrival at the airport in Cairo, you will be welcomed and transferred to your hotel. Enjoy some free time to relax at the hotel or continue the exploration of the city. Dinner and overnight in Cairo. (Breakfast-Dinner)
  • Day 10: Cairo - CanadaAfter breakfast at your hotel, you will be transferred to the airport for your flight home. (Breakfast)-End of services-

    * Please note that your first night sleeping on the cruise can be replaced by a hotel overnight.


Experience a comfortable stay in our Classic Hotels, carefully chosen for their value, convenient locations, and proximity to major attractions. Relax in well-maintained rooms with thoughtful amenities, savor a variety of breakfast choices, and benefit from attentive service to enhance your travel experience.

  • • 2 nights in Cairo at Radisson Blu Heliopolis 4* hotel (or similar) in a standard room
  • • 4 nights on board the Carnival 5* Nile Cruise (or similar cruise) in a standard cabin
  • • 1 night in Luxor at the Pyramisa Isis Luxor 4* hotel (or similar) in a standard room
  • • 1 night in Cairo at Radisson Blu Heliopolis 4* hotel (or similar) in a standard room


  • Round-trip international flights between Canada / Cairo with good itineraries
  • Domestic flights between Cairo / Aswan & Luxor / Cairo

  • Greetings and transfers by A/C vehicles during the tour
  • 8 nights hotel accommodations
  • All breakfasts + 5 lunches + all dinners (21 meals)
  • English-speaking guide during the tours
  • All visits and entrance fees as per itinerary
  • All taxes, fees, and OPC


  • Travel insurance
  • Visa (payable upon arrival)

  • Tips: $45 USD per person (to be paid at destination)

  • Meals and beverages unless otherwise mentioned
  • Personal expenses and optional activities
  • Optional tour to Abu Simbel 
  • Entrance inside the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Approx. $25 USD per person)
  • Entrance to the Mummy’s Room at the Egyptian Museum (Approx. $13 USD per person)


Abu Simbel tour Details

+ 230.00 CAD
Around 3:30 AM, you will be transferred by bus to Abu Simbel, located 280 km away. Upon arrival, you will visit the two temples built by the pharaoh Ramses II, often referred to as Ramses the Great. The 100-foot-high Great Temple is breathtaking with the 4 statues of Ramses II and his wife Queen Nefertari. You will have a two-hour guided exploration of this historic and sacred site before having lunch. You will then, head back to the ship for lunch.

Abu Simbel tour Details

+ 230.00 CAD
Around 3:30 AM, you will be transferred by bus to Abu Simbel, located 280 km away. Upon arrival, you will visit the two temples built by the pharaoh Ramses II, often referred to as Ramses the Great. The 100-foot-high Great Temple is breathtaking with the 4 statues of Ramses II and his wife Queen Nefertari. You will have a two-hour guided exploration of this historic and sacred site before having lunch. You will then, head back to the ship for lunch.
tour map

How much of a deposit is required?

You need to make a 50% deposit upon reservation to secure your seats. If your departure is in less than 60 days, the full amount is due when booking.

When is the balance due?

The balance is due 60 days prior to the departure date.

Is it a guaranteed departure?

Yes, all our departures are guaranteed.

What is the group size?

Groups are between 20 and 35 people maximum.

Is triple occupancy available?

Triple occupancy is available for this package.

Will there be someone waiting for us at the airport?

Yes, our local operators will welcome you at the airport and directly transfer you to the hotel.

Is it possible to book additional tours?

Yes, there are is one optional tour offered for this package: Abu Simbel excursion. To make sure you secure your seats, it is preferable to book them when making your reservation. If you are undecided, you will be able to book them with your guide depending on availability and pay in cash or credit card in USD.

Are tips included?

As mentioned in the package exclusions, the tips are to be paid directly at destination to your guide at the beginning of the tour. They are in USD and have to be paid in cash. Feel free to tip at your discretion other local services such as the hotel, cruise ship and restaurants staff.

What is the average cost of a meal?

This organized tour package takes care of most of your meals which will minimize your expenses. The ones that are not included will be taken at local restaurants where you will have the choice of a buffet. The cost of a meal is $15 CAD / $11 USD on average.

Is it possible to add extras nights?

Yes, you may add extra nights to your package. We can add nights in Cairo before or after the tour. Simply make the request with your reservation agent who will change your flights accordingly. We strongly recommend including the same hotel as we will be able to reschedule your transfers. The price will be confirmed by your agent depending on availability.

Is it safe to go on this tour?

Yes, this package is very secure. At all times, you will be taken care of by your local expert guide who will accompany you everywhere you need to go. The places you will visit along the Valley of the Nile are no longer under travel advisory from the Government of Canada. All of our clients who took this tour have felt very secure throughout their entire stay. They have expressed their satisfaction to have finally been able to make their dream come true.


Do we need a visa?

Canadian and American citizens can obtain their visas upon arrival in Egypt. 

You can go to the following link to find more information regarding the travel requirements: Click here.

How should I dress?

While tradition is very important in the culture, you will be able to dress to your liking without too much trouble. You are not expected to wear local clothing. In public places, it's okay to wear short-sleeves, knee-length dresses, and shorts. As a rule and just like anywhere else, we encourage travelers to be respectful of the local traditions.


Other useful information:

Currency: Egyptian Pound.

The US dollar is also widely accepted. We recommend bringing about $200 USD / person in cash.


Canadian and American citizens can obtain their visas upon arrival in Egypt. 

You can go to the following link to find more information regarding the travel requirements: Click here.

Language: Arabic.

Vaccine: No vaccine is required. Check with your travel clinic to make sure your health condition allows you to travel.


How much of a deposit is required?

You need to make a 50% deposit upon reservation to secure your seats. If your departure is in less than 60 days, the full amount is due when booking.

When is the balance due?

The balance is due 60 days prior to the departure date.

Is it a guaranteed departure?

Yes, all our departures are guaranteed.

What is the group size?

Groups are between 20 and 35 people maximum.

Is triple occupancy available?

Triple occupancy is available for this package.

Will there be someone waiting for us at the airport?

Yes, our local operators will welcome you at the airport and directly transfer you to the hotel.

Is it possible to book additional tours?

Yes, there are is one optional tour offered for this package: Abu Simbel excursion. To make sure you secure your seats, it is preferable to book them when making your reservation. If you are undecided, you will be able to book them with your guide depending on availability and pay in cash or credit card in USD.

Are tips included?

As mentioned in the package exclusions, the tips are to be paid directly at destination to your guide at the beginning of the tour. They are in USD and have to be paid in cash. Feel free to tip at your discretion other local services such as the hotel, cruise ship and restaurants staff.

What is the average cost of a meal?

This organized tour package takes care of most of your meals which will minimize your expenses. The ones that are not included will be taken at local restaurants where you will have the choice of a buffet. The cost of a meal is $15 CAD / $11 USD on average.

Is it possible to add extras nights?

Yes, you may add extra nights to your package. We can add nights in Cairo before or after the tour. Simply make the request with your reservation agent who will change your flights accordingly. We strongly recommend including the same hotel as we will be able to reschedule your transfers. The price will be confirmed by your agent depending on availability.

Is it safe to go on this tour?

Yes, this package is very secure. At all times, you will be taken care of by your local expert guide who will accompany you everywhere you need to go. The places you will visit along the Valley of the Nile are no longer under travel advisory from the Government of Canada. All of our clients who took this tour have felt very secure throughout their entire stay. They have expressed their satisfaction to have finally been able to make their dream come true.


Do we need a visa?

Canadian and American citizens can obtain their visas upon arrival in Egypt. 

You can go to the following link to find more information regarding the travel requirements: Click here.

How should I dress?

While tradition is very important in the culture, you will be able to dress to your liking without too much trouble. You are not expected to wear local clothing. In public places, it's okay to wear short-sleeves, knee-length dresses, and shorts. As a rule and just like anywhere else, we encourage travelers to be respectful of the local traditions.


Other useful information:

Currency: Egyptian Pound.

The US dollar is also widely accepted. We recommend bringing about $200 USD / person in cash.


Canadian and American citizens can obtain their visas upon arrival in Egypt. 

You can go to the following link to find more information regarding the travel requirements: Click here.

Language: Arabic.

Vaccine: No vaccine is required. Check with your travel clinic to make sure your health condition allows you to travel.

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Reviews for Mysterious Egypt

 4.6 out of 5
Based on 99 customer reviews

May 22, 2024


April 30, 2024


April 18, 2024


March 26, 2024

Thank you for the experience of a lifetime!!


March 12, 2024


February 13, 2024


December 26, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023


December 19, 2023

Notre guide Wadea égyptologue était exceptionnel. Il a répondu à nos nombreuses questions avec un grand enthousiasme. Je le recommande à tous. Nous sommes forts heureux d'avoir fait ce voyage.


November 28, 2023


November 28, 2023


November 28, 2023

Notre guide Mohammed A été exceptionnel! Toujours souriant, explications nombreuses et précises avec une touche d'humour qui a rajouté une ambiance particulièrement agréable a notre séjour!


November 23, 2023


November 20, 2023

Our guide was excellent, had lots of knowledge He made our trip very memorable


November 16, 2023

We definitely got our monies worth…jam packed itinerary! We will definitely book again with you!


November 7, 2023


October 29, 2023

Overall, the experience was a 5-star rating. The food we felt should have been a bit more local oriented. Meaning what the Egyptians eat day to day or from a street vendor. The coffee was far from what we expected for Egypt. Maybe we thought it would be more like Turkish coffee. Air France offered great service and food. We felt the layovers were long but not sure how that could be changed. Our tour guide in Egypt, Mahmoud M. Ahmed was fantastic and had a wealth of knowledge. Perhaps a bit too much. LOL! He took care of us and felt like we were part of his family. Kindly let me know I much we appreciated the trip with him. (Mark & Sandy Britt) Thank you.... Read More


October 24, 2023


October 19, 2023


September 28, 2023


September 26, 2023


September 19, 2023

Tres contenté avec toys. Merci


May 31, 2023


May 23, 2023

Merci, pour nous c’était Important d’avoir un guide qui parlait français. Et nous avons eu le guide Mostafa qui nous a parlé en français pendant notre séjour, il est un très bon guide, nous l’avons bien aimé. Et la première journée nous avons eu Romy qui lui aussi a été très bien. Nous avons eu un très beau séjour en Égypte. ... Read More


May 18, 2023


May 18, 2023


May 17, 2023

During our trip, we especially appreciated our guide, Moustafa ElSayed for his vast and detailed knowledge of Egyptian history and his patience and amiability in answering everyone's questions. Also, we would like to point that our reception at Cairo airport by the Wingbuddy representative was efficient and friendly. All the service staff on the cruise, train and at the hotels was very friendly.... Read More


May 16, 2023


May 12, 2023

Un voyage incroyable et très impressionné du déroulement du forfait. Pour commencer, j'ai énormément voyagé dans ma vie et toujours par moi-même. C'était la première fois que je faisais un voyage organisé et j'ai été agréablement surpris. Pour ceux qui ne sont pas habitué de voyager, ce forfait est parfait. Prise en charge à l'aéroport dès l'arrivé au Caire par un représentant de Wingbuddy, aux hôtel, pour le train, le bateau, bref, lorsqu'on vous dit qu'il va y avoir quelqu'un qui va vous attendre, il va y avoir quelqu'un. Nous avions demandé moi, ma conjointe et un couple d'ami, un guide français et nous en avons eu un à pour nous 4 tout le long du voyage. Il y avait un groupe anglophone d'environ 14 personnes. Ce que j'ai compris, il se peut que votre guide qui vous accueil au Caire soit le même tout le long du voyage. Dans notre cas, nous avons eu un guide au Caire et un autre à notre arrivé à Assouan à la sortie du train pour le reste du voyage. En parlant du train, rien de grandiose, mais ça fait partie du voyage et de l'expérience. Demander au guide avant de prendre le train de vous trouver de la bière pour apporter avec vous cela rend l'expérience un peu plus agréable. La croisière, juste wow. Bien installé, piscine sur le pont, un bar, nourriture (rien de grandiose), mais très bonne et les cabines avec vue sur le nil, très bien. Les sites archéologiques, à couper le souffle. L'Égypte est un pays avec le plus d'histoire au monde. Il y a des extras pour les visites et je le conseils. Abu Simbel est à environ 3h30 de route pour y aller et ça en vaut vraiment le détour. La ride de bus nous permet de dormir et reprendre des forces. Normalement, le départ est à 04h00 du matin pour se rendre au site et tout le monde part à cette heure, donc, énormément de monde sur le site (témoignage de deux français à qui j'ai croisé dans le voyage). Nous, notre guide Moustafa qui est un excellent guide francophone à qui recommande à tous, si vous pouvez choisir, à changé l'horaire et on est parti à 07h00 le matin et à notre arrivé à Abu Simbel, presque personne, c'était fantastique pour visiter et surtout pour prendre des photos sans avoir des centaines de personne dans le champs de vison. Malheureusement, pour les autres sites à visiter, il y a toujours du monde, mais en général ça va bien. Les guides vont vous proposer d'autres activités, à vous de décider, mais je recommande (exemple, tour de dromadaire pour visiter les pyramide à partir du désert - 15$ US, visite d'un village Nubien - le prix vari etc.). Dans la vallée des rois, il est possible de payer pour des extras aussi. Le forfait ne comprend pas de visite de la vallée des reines (à voir, le tombeau de la reine Nefertari, le plus beau tombeau découvert, mais il y a un extra à payer), mais si vous voulez y aller, c'est possible de l'intégrer dans l'horaire. Parler à votre guide de toutes les options que vous aimeriez faire, il va vous organisé ça. Il y a aussi un tour en montgolfière au pris de 125$ US très tôt le matin avant la visite de la vallée des rois et je le recommande beaucoup. Les pourboires, selon les infos de Wingbuddy, on le donne à notre arrivé. Si vous avez le même guide du début à la fin, oui, mais si comme nous qui avons eu un guide pour le Caire et un autre pour le reste du voyage, vous donner l'argent au deuxième guide. Cet argent n'est pas pour les guides c'est les pourboires des chauffeurs, employés du bateau etc.. Bref, prévoyez des pourboires et ne soyez pas cheap, pour le ou les guides qui se donne corps et âmes pour nous rendre le voyage agréable. Ceux qui désire rester une couple de jour de plus, car le 10 jours est très occupé, c'est possible de le faire, parler avec l'agence avant de booker. Sécurité, très sécuritaire et je sais de quoi je parle, car j'ai été dans des pays pas mal plus à risque que l'Égypte. Alcool, c'est un pays musulman, donc pas beaucoup de point de vente, mais possible d'en trouver. Demander à votre guide. Aux hôtels et bateau, pas de problème , mais limité dans les choix. Le vin, eurk, apportez vous une couple de bonne bouteille si vous appréciez le bon vin. L'argent, le US ou Euros sont acceptés partout. Pour la conversion, on divise environ par 30. Exemple: 300 livre égyptienne = 10 US ou Euros. Bravo à Wingbuddy pour ce forfait qui est très bien organisé et surtout aux représentants en Égypte qui sont tous dévoués pour nous assister dans notre voyage. Bon voyage. ... Read More


May 12, 2023

Faze met us in the airport on night one. He quickly helped us with obtaining our visa and escorted us to our hotel in record time! Thank you!! Fady was incredibly reliable in helping us navigate the airport in Cairo. His professionalism, organization and charisma was top notch. Said was an incredible guide. From Cairo-Aswan-Luxor! He was very knowledgeable and passionate about Egyptian history and made our group feel like one big family. Said and Fady helped me organize the extra days that I added on to my trip. It was wonderful to never feel like I was completely alone in planning/booking my extra days. Getting their insights and advice was very helpful! I had a wonderful time in Egypt thanks to my guide Said and Fady.... Read More


May 9, 2023


May 9, 2023


May 2, 2023


April 22, 2023

Elia was our well informed guide and was excellent. He was very attentive, patient with and helpful to tour members who had physical challenges. He allowed for input from tour members and was invaluable in providing guidance to local customs and expectations. He gave advice on purchases ranging from just local inexpensive artifacts to authentic ones from very reputable places. Our group was referred to as "Family". Fahad was also very helpful in meeting our group, guiding us through entry processes and getting us settled into our accommodations. Each member of the Wingbuddy team who interacted with us was friendly, helpful and respectful. If I could recommend a promotion and or raise for these valued employees, I highly suggest that it be considered, especially so for Elia. Cynthia Smith and Carlos Nieves... Read More


April 18, 2023

Our travel guide Elias Boctor was amazing. He was so caring and patient. He really catered to all of our needs.


April 18, 2023

Our guide was amazing I am an experienced traveler and have never met someone so patient, caring and knowledgeable Elijah made our trip exceptional I wish I could have him for every excursion we book with wingbuddy I told everyone of my trip and they are looking forward to visiting Egypt and meeting Elijah or Elia in arabic... Read More


April 18, 2023


April 7, 2023

The trip to Egypt was fabulous! More than expected. Would definitely book a trip again with Wing buddy as well recommend to anyone looking to travel abroad. Five Star!


April 6, 2023

The trip was great, the temples, piramids and ancient sites was wonderful too see, the boat trip was amazing, our group was small (15 people,) witch was great, we all became like a cosy family,… siad, out guide was very helpful and very friendly, he went over and above to meet the needs of the group,… going to the pharmacy for some of us, making sure we had what we needed,…. At one point when we were in Aswan, on the boat, my wife and I wanted to go to the market place at night but nobody else in the group wanted to go,.. but siad, called a cab and took us anyway, he went around the market place and we had a great experience, I was surprised and flattered that he would go out of his way for only 2 of us,…. We enjoyed the experience so much we have already recommended wing buddy to a bunch of our friends and are planning out next trip ... Read More


April 1, 2023


March 2, 2023


March 1, 2023


February 28, 2023


February 4, 2023


February 2, 2023


February 1, 2023

Je veux mentionner l'excellent travail de notre guide. Courtois, patient, s'assure que tout le monde à compris, répond bien à nos questions, professionnel en tout temps. Notre guide va nous manquer :) Emile Naim ... Read More


January 31, 2023


January 31, 2023


January 24, 2023


January 24, 2023


December 13, 2022


November 30, 2022

Everything was excellent, I am very satisfied with the experience.


November 28, 2022


November 22, 2022


November 15, 2022

Just returned from the Mysterious Egypt trip and it is the trip of a lifetime. Special credits goes to our guide,Elia Ayad Boctor, who lost no one and ensured everyone got up in time and we all got where we needed to be smoothly and safely. This trip seals my confidence in Wingbuddy.... Read More


November 1, 2022


November 1, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 25, 2022


October 22, 2022

Mohammad was our tour guide and I give him a rating of 10/10! He was super knowledgeable, passionate about his job and very attentive to our needs. If I do this tour again, I would make sure he was our guide again. ... Read More


October 22, 2022


October 6, 2022


September 28, 2022


September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022


September 27, 2022

Voyage exceptionnel, destination de rêve. L'Égypte est grandiose. Nous avons adoré la croisière, vue magnifique. Notre guide Marco est fantastique, un humain si généreux! On s'ennuie déjà de Marco! Bye habibi!! ... Read More


September 27, 2022


July 16, 2022


May 27, 2022


May 26, 2022


May 24, 2022


May 18, 2022


May 18, 2022


May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022


May 17, 2022

Guide extraordinaire Mohamed E.


May 17, 2022


May 9, 2022


May 4, 2022


May 3, 2022


April 13, 2022


April 7, 2022


October 21, 2021


December 5, 2019

This trip was truly awesome...particularly at the price point! What made the experience work well were the outstanding guides in Cairo and Luxor as well as the facilitator for the arrival and departing at the airports supplied by Wingbuddy’s agents on sight in Egypt.... Read More


December 3, 2019


November 6, 2019


November 1, 2019

all the guides were fantastic, knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful when questions came up. The pyramids, temples were great. The Hot Air Balloon was fantastic.


October 22, 2019


October 22, 2019

Ma femme est tombée a l’aeroport Du Caire à la fin du voyage et s’est brisée le genoux. L’aide fourni par vos représentants au Caire a été exceptionnel et nous les remercions chaleureusement.... Read More


October 15, 2019


October 9, 2019


October 8, 2019

Our guide Islam was fantastic !!


October 8, 2019


June 27, 2019


June 27, 2019

The guide who took care of our group from Aswan to Luxor was the best we've ever had.


June 27, 2019

J'ai adoré ce voyage! Nous étions 5 dans le groupe. Très agréable. Je recommanderais ce voyage, surtout pour l'égypte. Une seule chose: Les pyramides et le musé. On gagnerait à faire les deux mais en 2 jrs. En une seule journée c trop court et dense. Je crois qu'il faudrait rajouter une journée au voyage et ce serait parfait. En 11 jrs plutôt que 10. Sinon, guide, chambre et visite: très agréable! Merci pour tout. Jakou.... Read More

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